Monday, June 20, 2011

Can we treat Genital warts and Hemorrhoids at the same time?

Hemorrhoids as well as genital warts are diseases that are currently the most widespread in the human population in their middle age. Being uncomfortable and ugly, they may cause some serious complications and, most importantly, if not treated timely, they can seriously endanger one?s health.
Altsberglotion Cure is very successful in the removing of inflammatory processes, elimination of pain, as well as in the burning, itching and bleeding of one?s hemorrhoids. In most cases, the treatment we provide results in their withdrawal. However, it is important to accentuate that hemorrhoids are quite a specific vein disease, and what we mean by saying this is that they may result from various factors, some of them being diet, profession or life style in general. Therefore, hemorrhoids are not caused by viruses or bacteria, nor do they depend on one?s genetic predisposition, rather they is a natural vein abnormality. My point is that if the hemorrhoids are the size of a walnut and thereby cause much discomfort, our product can definitely help in the effective removal of the hemorrhoid difficulties (pain, burning, bleeding, and itching). Nevertheless, while it may or may not result in the complete removal of hemorrhoids, you have to exert a strong effort of will to completely eliminate them; otherwise, being quite a persistent disease, hemorrhoids will certainly appear in the same place again.

Speaking of genital warts (as well as of warts on hands and corns on feet), the situation with them is different. Warts are viral diseases in the epidermis of the skin. Altsberglotion ? Corn & Warts Removal affects the HPV virus by causing its elimination or just pulls it back into the body. More than 95% of the population has it in their body, but what is specific to genital warts as well as to hand-warts and body-warts is that their appearance is closely related to the immune system. The same goes with corns on feet. Therefore, it brings us to the conclusion that the effects of both remedies vary from person to person. With some people results will be visible right from the start, and with some other people, some more persistence in the use of the remedy will be needed. But one thing is certain ? Altsberglotion successfully solves these problems, and most importantly chances for their reappearance are minimized.

As it has been previously mentioned, hemorrhoids are responsible for pain, itching and bleeding, but we do not encounter these problems with genital warts. So it is quite natural and logical that one should begin with the treatment of hemorrhoids first, and then proceed with the treatment that will remove genital warts. Parallel treatment is not recommended because it is obviously the case of two completely different diseases that have no resemblance.

Is it wise to immediately contact your physician and undertake a surgical operation to solve the problem?

Undoubtedly, it is up to you to decide on what to do, but I have to draw your attention to the following:
Surgical treatment for the removal of genital warts, common warts, or corns on feet involves only the removal of the SURFACE parts. As a consequence, the HPV virus remains on the skin surface and, unfortunately, their reoccurrence becomes inevitable. Quite a similar situation is with the surgical removal of hemorrhoids. If the root-cause of their creation is not eliminated, one should expect their recurrence in the same place.

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